Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The HERO is Big Daddy~

I don't even really remember where, or when I met her (sorry girl! Lol!), but it really just seems like God knew I needed her, so He slipped her into my life. She is funny, amazing, talented, and fiercely loyal.  And even though she is a Hero to me, this story isn't really about HER being a Hero, but it's about HER Hero.  She has a dog named Big Daddy, and she is Lauren Janis of Big Daddy Biscuits.......see where this is going? I'll let her tell you the rest. Suffice it to say, the Biggest Daddy of them all, in Heaven knows who and what we need, and when. His timing is always perfect.
Lauren writes about her Hero, Big Daddy~
"After Big Daddy was rescued off the street in Atlanta, Big Daddy (Pete at the time) was brought to me by my friend Vicki.  She told me she found the perfect dog for me to foster (ha ha) and he needed lots of love since my home was being  burglarized .  When he came to live with me, I immediately changed his name to Big Daddy knowing that he was not going to leave my house.  Not long after, my pops passed away and I was laid off from my job.  I was have a meaningful conversation with my niece and nephew, Shana and Kenny (8 year old twins).  I asked them what I should do with my life.  They looked at one another for a few seconds ( you could see the wheels tuning!), they told me that I should make dog biscuits.  I thought about it, then asked them the question, "If I were to do this, what should I call it?"  We played around for a few minutes and came up with Big Daddy Biscuits.
I started making them in my home, right there, with Big Daddy by my side to support me, I started Big Daddy Biscuits!  He is almost completely blind (from toxoplasmosis), but has an incredible spirit and never stops going. I can't imagine my life without him, he is my best friend, and always there when I need a sweet doggie kiss, he is funny, and sure keeps me in line!  He is my professional taste tester :-) 

 Who would have thought that the actions of one person, bringing this sweet dog into my life when I did not know it is what I needed, would have led to all of this?  I truly feel without the experience of saving Big Daddy, and him helping me heal from a very rough spot in my life, none of this would have ever happened.  He is my Hero, and saved me as much as I saved him."

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