Friday, November 29, 2013

The HERO Portrait Series~ Jessica and Kona

Often times our Heroes are not in human form-as is the case again with our second Hero in the Portrait series~
Meet Kona~and her owner Jessica. Jessica is a young woman who has done much for animals-dogs in particular. And I couldn't let the story of how Kona-one special dog-changed her life. 

Jessica writes-
"When most people talk about their heroes you normally hear about the people in their life or people that are famous that inspire them. Though when you ask someone from the community I am around, you'll quickly see that the Hero in my life is not so unusual. My hero is my dog Kona. Yes, I am part of the "crazy dog people" community; and I am becoming a big part of the rescue community. Kona is not my Hero because of any kind of situations she's overcome in her life, but she's my Hero because of what she has opened my eyes to, taught me and showed other people. Before I had Kona, I had no idea how discriminated against this breed was. I quickly learned of people's emotions toward "pit bull" type dogs, and I was appalled! It's not okay either, my dog is the furthest thing from aggressive. She may not get along well with all other dogs, but she loves people, and is by far the greatest gift In my life. Having her has definitely changed my life for the better. She has taught me about discrimination, and to accept things we may not understand. This applies to everything in my life; people, stereotypes, beliefs, sexual preferences, and animals. Discrimination is everywhere, and it should not be so common, but unfortunately it is. Kona is my hero because she shows me that a stereotype is not always accurate, that discrimination hurts so many, and challenges people everyday to be able to live their lives in peace. There are many of us who fight these battles everyday and so many that are the cause. If we have something we are passionate about it gives us a reason to fight and speak out but it should also give us an open mind to help with others struggles. We can help by showing support for other peoples life choices to help end the stereotypes and discrimination.
I've had KONA in my home since she was 6 weeks old and been with her every day since she was 3 days old. She is my everything from being like my child, to my best friend and my Hero. If it weren't for her I wouldn't be where or who I am today; I wouldn't have found my passion. I'm beyond thankful for her, she is my Hero!"

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